Monday, July 13, 2009
Cristian Del Vitto (muralist). Head of Workshop. Curriculum Vitae.
Date of Birth: 25/05/71
Professor in the specialties of Drawing Painting and Sculpture. Muralist
Calle 15 and 169.Berisso. Argentina. Buenos Aires. (1923) Tel 540221-4615161
* Mural "Homage to the Master Bathroom", held in mixed-scaling, high relief on cement and synthetic enamel on enamel wall. Measures 2.20 m x 6m. Located at the home of 23rd Street between 172 and No. 173 of 4970 Berisso City. Nani Family
* Dictation muralism theoretical seminar at the School of Art Emiliano Gomez Clara. Villa Mary, province of Cordova.
* Completing the first wall graffito of Villa Maria Cordova in front of the School of Art Emiliano Gomez Clara Villa María, province of Cordova, as part of the seminar given by muralism Del Vitto, as practical. Measures 4m by 7m
* Mural "The ceremony of Pachamama 3. Done in the streets 17 between 164 and 165 of the city of Berisso Province of Buenos Aires. Measures 3 meters by 7m. Technical synthetic enamel on wall.
* Mural sgraffitos "Providence" in "House of the child Providence Street Workers District 30 and 170 of the city of Berisso. Measures 1.8 meters X 5.5 meters
* Mural "Nativity" painted on the Maternal Garden of El Carmen in the city of Berisso, 115 streets and 95. Technique: synthetic enamel on wall. Measures 5m by 5m.
* Founder of "The workshops Berisso (muralism first workshop) in the Directorate of Culture of the Municipality of Berisso. Montevideo Av between 10 and 11.
* Issuance of workshop and technical muralism graffito in Santiago de Chile Chile muralists different squads, including Good Morning America Brigade .. Site: Casa OASIS in the streets Carcaraván 1819.
* Implementation of the Second Mural sgraffitos first in Chile and the Central Region. Entitled "Copper Workers." Location: courtyard of the Casa OASIS Cultural Center in Santiago de Chile Penalolen, street Carcaraván 1819. Implemented as part of the "wall 100 by 100 years of the Slaughter of Santa Maria de Iquique" run by the radio program "Good Morning America." Mural No. 71 of the draft.
* Mural "industry" 3.2 m X 7m. Technical enamel. Calles 17 and 18 and 162 Berisso.
* Participated as a speaker invited by the Universidad Nacional de San Miguel de Tucumán, in the debate about public art and murals. During the day of the First National Meeting of murals and public art in this place.
* Mural "Union de Brazos" .1.86 x 2.60 m panel fiber easy. Technical enamel. Done during the day the First Public Art and murals. Province of Tucumán. San Miguel de Tucumán.
* Mural "PINCHA una Passion", held in graffito technique, 2m by 5m, the Filial Lauri club Estudiantes de La Plata in the city of Berisso. And Ostend Streets 10.
* Mural "The ceremony of Pachamama." Done in the former Saint Martin Hotel in the town of Valle Hermoso province of Cordova. And Alsina streets May 25. Graffito technique. Measures 2.5 m x 3.5 m. Graffito first mural in the town of Valle Hermoso.
* Mural "The ceremony of Pachamama." Done in the 2nd Encuentro Argentino - Mexican muralists in the city of Buenos Aires Province Berazategui. Technical synthetic enamel on plywood. Measures 1.83 m x 2.6m.
* Mural Impressions. Done in the outside wall of the printing Berigraf and 9 in the streets Lisbon of the city of Berisso. Graffito technique with ceramic inlays. Measures 2.25 m X 7m.
* Mural History of Valle Hermoso. Done in graffito technique. Measures 4 X 7m. In the town of Valle Hermoso Córdoba Argentina. Located at the entrance to the city on the route.
* Completing the first phase of the mural "Star Berisso", made in graffito technique. Measures 3 x 4 mts. Located in the Star Club Berisso. Calles 8 and 164 of the city of Buenos Aires Province Berisso.
* Selected as the only mural in the International Sculpture Park Cemetery Road in the V region of the Aconcagua Valley in the city of Putaendo Republic of Chile.
* Completing the mural "The founders of the Fire Department Putaendo. 4metros Measures by 8 m. In synthetic enamel technique.
Located in the Republic of Chile, Central Valley of Aconcagua, in the city of Putaendo in front of the building by firefighters.
* Mural "Blowers souls." Measures 1.86 X 2.6 meters. Techniques pigmented synthetic enamel and relief. Donated to the School of Glass in the town of Berazategui, Buenos Aires province of Argentina. As for the First World and muralists in Berazategui IV World Day of Public Art and Murals. Pages 14-19.
* Publication of the note "muralism Latinoamericano" in the first edition of the Journal Murals, murals for the National Movement of Argentina.
* Completing the mural "Fertility and Sacrifice", the First Wine Festival on the Coast, celebrated Berisso in the city of Buenos Aires Province of Argentina. Located in the building of the Cooperative Wine on Avenida Montevideo, Los Talas district, at the entrance to the Balneario Bagliardi. Measures 1.86 m X 2.6 m in enamel technique on synthetic fiber-panel easy.
* "Wall of Public Education," conducted for the Teachers Union of Cordova. City Villa Calos Paz, Provincia de Córdoba. Technical Paint synthetic enamel and relief. Measures 1.80 m x 2.60 m.
Collaboration in the Wall "Identity." Done in the City of Berisso. 122 Street between 78 and 79. Technical synthetic enamel. Measures 4m x 8m.
* Mural "Santiagueña Iconography." School No. 19 Santiago del Estero, the City of Buenos Aires Province Berisso. Measures 4 x 10 meters made of synthetic enamel technique.
* Mural "Children's reader-free spirits." Renacer Done in the tour of the city of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, central pedestrian bridge. Technique on synthetic enamel wall. Measures 5m x 2.30m.
* Mural "The lives of the living sonzo and sonzo his job." Meeting of murals in the city of Quilmes. In possession of the Municipality of Quilmes. Measures 1.83 meters x 2.60 m. Synthetic enamel and collage techniques.
* Mural "Workers" held in the Casa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires "av. Callao Buenos Aires. Technical synthetic enamel. Measures 183 cm by 260 cm.
* landscape in Villa Senior Center Arguello. 126 Street between 61 and 62 of the city of Berisso. Technical synthetic enamel. 1.5 x 4m.
* Mural protest "ENOUGH!" conducted for the Human Rights Secretariat of the city of San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy Province. Synthetic enamel and collage technique. 2 X 3metros.
* Mural "When we Start the Progressive Horizon". During the National Meeting held in the SPA MURAL MAR CHIQUITA of the province of Buenos Aires. Parking Hotel "El Mirador". Publication in the newspaper and note the Atlantic the river plate.
* Publication of a paper entitled "The muralism Latinoamericano" in the Spanish magazine "El Minotaur digital."
* Mural "Pince vs. Villegas. "Meeting Global mural The River Plate" as a representative of the mural of the Province of Buenos Aires. Técnica enamel and synthetic oil. 3m x 2m.
* Mural "Labor Union and Sport." Mixed. 22m x 3m. In facilities SILO Arenero BUENOS AIRES, Av Pedro de Mendoza and Pinzón, DISTRICT OF CATALINA, DÁRSENA SUR LA BOCA.
* Courses in drawing and painting at the Villa Roca Development Center, 162 Street between 29 and 30 of the city of Berisso.
* Professor in the specialty sculpture. School of Art Berisso.
* Mural "The embrace of education." Mixed. 8m x 4m. Centro Educativo Complementario No. 801. Avenida Montevideo 23 Berisso City.
* Mural "Lietuva". Lithuanian Society Berisso. Montevideo Av between 17 and 18. 7metros x 2. Sgraffitos incrustations and technical ceramics.
* Graduate Faculty in the Visual Arts School of Art. Berisso. Professor of Drawing and Painting. School of Art. Berisso.
* Graduate Muralism 2nd. Level. Dictated by the master Ariosto Otero. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Faculty of Fine Arts.
* Mural of the Municipality of Berisso
* Setting of the façade in Kindergarten No. 908. Title: "The Castle in the Forest."
Mural * Kindergarten No. 905. "Two Worlds".
* Graduate School of murals in the fine arts. La Plata. 2nd level. Taught by Professor Ariosto, Otero. (ULMCAM President of Mexico).
* Participation in the creation of a wall graffito. "Education" La Plata, 19 and 45. Argentina.
* Published in the Journal Note Taking. "No. 14. And 15.Berisso.
* Presentation at the 2000 Salon de Arte Joven. Museo de Bellas Artes Buenos Aires, Calle 51 No. 525. La Plata.
* Completing the Mural "What side are you on?". (Campaign for the eradication of landfills on public roads). Municipality Berisso .. 2m x 15m Mixed techniques of graffito, relief enamel, synthetic enamel, inlaid.
* Completing the first mural in the city of graffito Berisso. Canossiano Instituto San José. "Bakhita." (From 4m x 6m) sanctified in 2000 by his holiness Pope John Paul II.
* Professor of Summer School. Classes muralism. School No. 17 "Ignacio Gorriti. Berisso.
* Graduation Teacher of Visual Arts. Art School Berisso.
* Participation in the Hall COAP. "Gears Truncate" (oil) Casa de Cultura. Montevideo No. 821. Berisso.
* Make 2 murals for the Company's Laundry Conchilla of Gonzalez. "The Horse" and "The payador (Laundry Company of shells. SA) Berisso. The logging site.
Selected in the Hall 69. "The pain of Mary." Salliqueló. Buenos Aires.
Mural "Hugo del Carril." Plaza October 17. Calle 164 and 26. Berisso. 3 X 12m
Postgraduate murals. Faculty of Fine Arts. La Plata. (Dictated by the master Ariosto Otero (Mexico).
Exhibition at "Casa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires." Samples of artists berissenses. "The pain of Mary" Callao No. 237. Capital Federal
Collective shows at the hall of the Department of Economics. "Mother." No. 1046 Constitution. San Fernando.
Mural "Landscape with Horses" (Rodriguez Family, 3m x 8m) calle21 and 167. Berisso.
"Recognizing the Signs" Mural (17m x 4m). Traffic Directorate. Montevideo and 9. Berisso.
Intervention mural "El Castillo" in the Kindergarten Los Talas. Party Berisso. 56m2. Technical synthetic enamel on Salpicré.
Conducting wall Refuge stop groups. The Talas Berisso.
Mural "Towards Freedom" (6m x 5m).
Buenos Aires 1998-1999. Argentina
First Prize Drawing Section 64. "Tragic helplessness." COAP Hall. Zárate 98.Buenos Aires.
Sample of twenty-fifth anniversary of the School of Art Berisso. "Two Passions" (oil). Casa de Cultura. Berisso.
. Diploma for the work and career as the Coordinator of murals. Literary Magazine "The balls of the Words." Berisso.
Special Mention in Drawing. "Todo A News" Salon d'Automne International Art gallery Aquarium. Balcarce No. 1053. 1st Floor. San Telmo. Buenos Aires
Publication of the Ministry of Production. Internal Human Resources Bulletin Año I N º 1 "The building and its relationship to Artnouveau.
Mural "The Arre. Promoting Club Villa Paula. 152 and 8. Berisso.
Performance of six murals in collective shelters. (The most prominent "La Garita Antropófoga" Avenue of oil. Berisso.
Mural "The Revenge of Quetzalcoatl" (4m x 10m) 164 and 19. Berisso.
1997 - 1998 Buenos Aires. Argentina
Selected in the Hall of Plastic Ates. "The Young Surprised." (Section paints). Pasaje Dardo Rocha 7 and 50. La Plata.
Mural "Tribute to the Comic Humor Argentino." Montevideo and 7. Berisso.
Mural "Star Berisso. Club of Estrella. 7 and 162. Berisso.
First prize in the Mural Hall 50 COAP. "The Immigration and Integration of Culture in Our Berisso 97.Parque Civic.
Mural to "Francisco Matayana, Músico de Barrio." Rio de Janeiro and 164. Berisso.
Making a mural in the shelter of collective abstract painters. Oil and Avenue 128. Berisso.
Assistant at the National Congress of Cultural Organizations and Associations 97. Centro Cultural San Martín. Buenos Aires. (23/07 to 26/07/97).
Mural "The Tanguito. 11 and 162. Berisso.
Mural "El Pescador de Sabalos. Montevideo and 23. Berisso.
Embellishment Bridge April 3. Montevideo and 6. Berisso.
Mural painting Corrientes "26 and 169. Berisso.
Exhibition at The Silver Refinery. Artists of Ensenada and Berisso.
Publications in newspapers and magazines in the city.
Mural "workers." Camoatí Development Center. 153 Street and 8. Berisso.
1996 - 1997
Participation in the Wall Street New York. "Calle 1 and Marseilles.
Exhibition space in the Young. "Naturaleza Muerta" Department of Culture and Education. Undersecretariat of Culture. La Plata.
Mario Ortiz exhibition "The Still Life" and others. Casa de Cultura Berisso.
Exhibition at the Casa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Callao 273. Capital Federal.
Annual Holiday Exhibition Inmigrante.
Buenos Aires Argentina 1984-1989
Technical Education School Rebuelto Emilio ENET N ª 1.
Electromechanical Technician.
Teaching in the Visual Arts. Integral School of Art. Berisso.
Postgraduate Muralism. Dictated by the master Ariosto Otero. (Mexicano. mural) Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Faculty of Fine Arts.
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