Tuesday, September 22, 2009


In January 2008, a graffiti artist from Santiago de Chile, a political science student and journalist Camilo Pinto Undurraga, which had already been in touch with the workshop a year earlier, traveled to Argentina and took classes in mural painting in the workshops of the city Berisso.

As he told us, in Chile there are many places where these skills are taught in addition to young people just get together with aerosols and clandestinely painted the walls of the streets.

The only knowledge they possess is chaotic practice and do not define an ideological stance or advanced to the arrival of the message to all sociedad.Camilo, showed great skill in drawing and design, breaking with the individualistic approach to decorate a tag , to deliver a collective message related to the knowledge of nature and reading for the liberation of man.

<> The Workshop provided a full intensive course, you got a wall centrally located in the city of Berisso, paints, brushes and personalized assistance from the teacher and muralist Cristian Del Vitto.

Plate technique taught in the workshop was the synthetic enamel.

The contents taught in the workshop are contained in this blog and the students have the opportunity to see the preparation of the wall, as are the treatments performed in the image volume, the mix of colors and the harmonic composition of the wall with the architectures urban boundaries.

The intent of the workshop is not to impose a mural on a wall of the city, but on the contrary establish any link with the subject and the place (in this case, the mural is located in front of a public library), and adjoining architecture besides establishing through a field study after the social needs of the environment
In style Plate seek to use the potential and style of the students to pour with a muralist vision of the work.

Connor took his course at La Tallera, left his mark on the city of Berisso and enriched.
We are confident that the streets of Santiago soon will look to the aesthetics of Cameron, a very thoughtful and clear ideology geared to the social.

The mural can be enjoyed by all and is located on Calle 13 between Avenida Montevideo and Lisbon.

The workshops provide the opportunity to manage WALLS FOR ARTISTS WHO WANT TO HAVE FOREIGN WORKS OUT OF YOUR COUNTRY.

Acknowledgment: A Taube family, for donating his wall and trust, and student and friend Gabriel Berisso Milloc to assist in implementation.
> cambiar

Monday, September 21, 2009


The primary objective of the workshops, is to bring the mural painting workshop at different places in the world.
No matter the place nor the experience of students.

The mural workshop has two instances:

Theoretical: whose end result is the sketch or sketches escalaPrácica; is for the completion of the mural project in different techniques.
Within the workshop, activities are designated according to the abilities of students.

Not everyone has to learn to draw.

In a team of students there who are investigating who get photographs for the sketches, who draw, paint, flat paint color, paint some more advanced volumes, record activity, etc..
Not everyone has to be superb painters.
Remember also that there are different levels of mural painting workshop initiated ranging from workshops to more academic content.
The important thing is to report that the mural painting workshop to be a public art and the public is open to all.

To contact the service simply has to be run by mail requesting the workshop.
The duration of the seminar varies according to needs and performance quality that is sought.
The workshops are not looking to bring the experience of a mural in different places, but mainly generate muralists groups to become regional reference in terms of culture and social struggle to build a movement that can grow and transcend.
As for the cost of the workshop, the applicant must ensure the materials, the stay of the mural teaching, passages, and payment of the workshop whose price depends on the type of course and duration.
For those interested in technical Sgraffito murals or painting techniques sculptors (polychrome reliefs, inlays, mozaico, others), is the same.

The Workshops. Traveling Mural Workshop offers the possibility also to those who want to learn individually muralist discipline and its secrets, received, in the city of Berisso Province of Buenos Aires Argentina, in the workshop Municipal mural "The workshops Berisso" place where the project is based stable and where classes are also given by Professor Cristian Del Vitto.

In addition it provide students with walls in different parts of the city leave the footprint mural.
Finally it is important to note that the workshop is not just a mural painting workshop, but besides mural, which establishes criteria for public art plastic, with the aim of bringing the message to the people representing the collective and not individual narcissistic.
The mural is just one chapter in the great book of the mural.

This is more complex because it establishes criteria from the Mexican muralist and has tcnico layout composition between the cops found angularity of vision.
> cambiar